Wednesday, 10 January 2007

The Games

I've added a list of games to the side-bar, with links to relevant sites.

If you can think of any more games to add, please add them yourself, or leave a comment to this post. And let me know if you can find a link to a better site (than the one I've already put there). I've tried to avoid using the Wikipedia entry, and sometimes I find that the BoardGameGeek entry is pretty light.

1 comment:

Jules said...

To Wiki or not to Wiki.

Meals asked me yesterday why I preferred to not use a link to the Wikipedia entry on each of these games, considering they are usually pretty good and contain a lot of information. I didn't really have a good answer at the time.

But now I do...

I guess my reasoning is that most people know about Wikipedia already, and might go there as a first stop anyhow. But if we can find a link to a good page that people might not already know about, then all the better.
