Now, don't get us wrong, Bohnanza by itself is great, but after a while of playing it, you start to feel that surely there's more to it.
Write-ups of this expansion describe it as Bohnanza meets RISK, so I think I immediately thought - fricken schweeet, in a non-nerdy kind of way.
Basically, this expansion adds another phase to the existing 4 phases there are in Bohnanza (I think). This new phase is the 'attacking phase' where you attack into properties (such as villages, cities, quarries etc). Also, coins are not saved to add up your score at the end of the game, but are used to finance your attacks.
At the start of the game, you layout all of the empty properties and each player is given a colour token to place on their Encampment, you then move from your Encampment into other adjacent properties when attacking. Each property gives the player who owns that property special abilities, and has a number of flags at the bottom of the card which you add up at the end of the game to determine a winner (if the deck is exhausted 4 times). Otherwise, the winner is the first player to take over 12 properties.
Which brings me to my next point, are they even called properties? I can’t think of any other name.
To take over a property, you need to pay one gold coin. You then select one card from you hand to attack with, and the defender chooses a card from their hand to defend with (or you flip up the top card in the Well to defend with if it is an empty property). Or the other option is you can attack with the top card from the Well, and the defender can choose to flip a Well card over to defend with too. I guess, if you have shit bean cards in your hand, you’re more likely to win using a random card from the Well.
Which brings me to my next point, “shit cards”. All bean cards have a number of them representing how many of them are in the game. Blue Beans for example have the number 20 on them. As they are the most common, I’m pretty sure they are the crappest ones to collect as you get less gold for them when you harvest as they are the most common. However, with this expansion they are the most valuable as you are guaranteed to win in the defense process (as 20 is the highest value card, and if both the attacker and defender reveal a Blue Bean card, the defender will always win in a draw). They are also of course awesome to attack with, durrr.
Chilli Beans are the next best card (18 value).
I feel I’ve done the worst job at explaining this game, and I guess it doesn’t help when on most occasions I’ve cracked the shits and started yelling (I still haven’t got the whole knack of the game yet)
Anyway, feel free to give us a call anytime to have a game with us!
Simon usually wins too (crapper).... Jules... should we write up the scoreboard so far?
1 comment:
Thankyou Meals for the cussiest write-up on Bohnaparte I've seen to date :P I think you've done a pretty good job explaining it.
The only other thing to mention is the strategy: you need to decide whether you will attack strong early, and try to hold on to your territories, or sit back, let the gold mount up, and put together an all-out attack on your final few turns.
We've played two games so far. Simon won the first, and I won the second.
Never ever never ever never again will you see a game like Bohnaparte!
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